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Sunday, September 20, 2015

2197 bps Wolf Awareness Week, wolf nail art

Do you know how important wolves are to the earth’s ecosystem? Did you know that one of the greatest threats to wild wolves is man? Have you ever tried howling like a wolf?
Wolf Awareness Week, held during the third week of October, is a time when organizations around the country work together to get out information on this charismatic and often misunderstood species.

my nick name is also translated in English -Wolf  (Vuk) , small wolf  "Vucko" so be aware ;)

 the one you feed ...

Uvijek sam, a nikad do kraja
Vecer u gradu ti donese neki lijek
U nekom kutu gdje samoca se zbraja ...

Uvijek s malo, premalo para
Kad upale se svjetla, ode dim
A miris noci opet postane stvaran..
Ko mnogo puta do sada
On sanja
Kako beskrajno pada ...

Bilo je rano jutro tada kad je ostavio sve
Culo se samo kako ptice pjevaju
Onda je stajao jos dugo s druge strane ulice
Pustio suze da se same slijevaju ...

Ja bi' mogo da mogu
Ja bi' znao da znam ...
I would like to thank You for expressing your interest.
I am not professional nail artist,this is JUST MY HOBBY on my NATURAL NAILS !
Thanks for stopping by,sharing and commenting ,BUBICA !

if you want to order this product , click here, on the picture bellow:

Zebra Wolf Animal Patterns Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate BORN PRETTY BP16 Egypt Theme Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate BORN PRETTY BP31

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