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Monday, May 19, 2014

851 indigo blue nails and stamping hearts

hello dear  friends
here is another nail art stamping with plate that i received from Born Pretty Store
pattern plates : QA82 bigger hearts pattern
if you want to order some plates or some other nice items use 10%off coupon code VVG10
so if some picture are not very well or nail art is not perfect ,i am sorry i am still learning :)
i hope i will still have your support, because all we need a practice.
but however i think stamping is so funny,
and i am happy thanks to Born Pretty Store
I putt every time base coat,transparent,to avoid stains on my nails,and after that coat I apply thin coat of French white .Nail polish has to be fresh , as it will dry so fast ,so next coat will have better looking color.
Let the nails dry,make an NAIL ART and after that always apply finish transparent coat to protect your
painting and prevent it to be fray or rugged can have a look  and
follow my blog about nature flowers animals etc:
Thanks for stopping by ,BUBICA !

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