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Monday, April 7, 2014

731 :) cheeky lady bug , i will eat you !

this cheeky lady bug invites me to eat her
but i decide to make some nail art before she gone!i have bought Chocolate Lady Bug to have nice Easter decoration , but no way, i cannot wait  ...    here is pictures just for memories
yum yum
this is not real lady bug but abstract version.. I was working on wet red coat and put a lot of spot
on my right hand, i made my nails with left hand

Hello ,I would like to thank You for expressing your interest.
Here is some of my new pictures.I am not professional nail artist,this is JUST MY HOBBY !
Sometimes we don't have as much time as we would like for nail painting.
I'm putting every time base coat,transparent,to avoid stains on my nails,and after that coat I apply thin coat of French white .Nail polish has to be fresh , as it will dry so fast ,and also next coat will have better looking color.
Let the nails dry,and after that always apply finish transparent coat to protect your painting
and prevent it to be fray or rugged nail color.
you can have a look  and follow my blog about nature flowers animals etc  :    Thanks for stopping by ,BUBICA !

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