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Monday, December 7, 2015

2355 Cotton Candy Day

 Cotton candy was first made in Europe in the 19 century, but because it was both expensive and time-consuming to produce, it did not quite take off. The cotton candy machine, which spins molten sugar into fine strands, was invented by dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Warton in 1897 and allowed enormous amounts of cotton candy to be made in a short period of time using centrifugal force. However, the two men decided to keep their invention under wraps until the World Fair in 1904, where they sold 68,655 boxes at 25¢ per box (equivalent to $6 per box today) to people who could just not get enough of the texture of the candy, becoming instantly rich. Long story short, cotton candy (also known as “fairy floss”, “fluffy stuff” and “candy floss”) has been dazzling customers ever since. Honestly, can you even remember the last time you went to a festival or carnival and did not get all sticky eating cotton candy?

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